I have personally experienced cancer, I was fortunate. I made many changes, some I stuck with, some I should have but haven't. I do try to live more in the present, and this time of the year on the farm mother nature reminds me, after a period of dormancy, bursting into life with colour, vigour and promise to live in the present. On this day, in this moment, I admire the beautiful daffodils, breathe deeply and take in their fragrance. I am grateful.....Wayne

FACTS: cancer is still the leading cause of death in Australia. In 2019 an estimated 50,000 Australians died from various cancers, with prostate, breast, bowel, melanoma and lung cancer making up around 60% of all cancers diagnosed. Importantly it is estimated 1 in 2 people have been touched by cancer either directly or through a close family member or friend.
